Monday, 18 November 2013

When do You Need a Root Canal Procedure from a Somerville Dentist?

If your tooth is damaged or severely infected, you will need the services of a Somerville dentist. The recommended dental procedure for these kinds of problems is a root canal. Not many people are aware of the necessity of this procedure or what it does. The following guidelines will help you understand a root canal procedure. 

When does Root Canal Become Necessary?  
If you feel your tooth becoming sensitive to cold or hot liquids, it may be sign of a cavity. If the pain is intense and lingers for some time, it could be due to tissue damage because of an infection. This kind of issue requires a visit to a dentist in Somerville.
What Happens in this Procedure?
This procedure concerns the pulp that is located at the center of a tooth. It contains nerves and connective tissue. When this pulp is exposed to food or bacteria due to a cavity or a crack, it can become infected, causing pain. This infection usually moves to the root causing damage to the bone surrounding the tooth. This can be fixed by having the infected pulp removed with the root canal procedure.

Once the infected pulp is removed it will leave a space. This space and the canals that run to the root of the tooth will then be cleaned and treated with antibiotics in preparation for a temporary filling to be placed at the first visit. At your next appointment the temporary filling will be removed and a permanent filling will take its place. A crown is then placed over the filling, strengthening your tooth.

So if you are feeling pain when you eat hot or cold food then you should definitely visit a dentist in Somerville right away.